
Buckeyes hire former Iowa Hawkeye Big Ten Champ as Head Coach

This guy was my coach at the Iowa Hawkeye's Intensive Training Camp back in high school. I think it was 1989 or 1990.


Star Sighting # 3

Tonight we went out to eat for Jason's birthday in Silver Lake and as we are driving down the street, Dara (Jason's wife) says, "Check out that guy. The one with the afro. He's totally walking like (and then she starts singing Staying Alive, Bee Gees style)". And she was right! This totally hip, dude with a big afro is walking down the side walk all by himself and the guy has got the mojo working. He is exuding confidence and coolness. He's clearly got his own private soundtrack in his head to which he is grooving. Then as our car slowly passes we turn to see the gentleman's face. And who is it? That's right. Lenny Kravitz.

The greatest thing about it is that even when he is by himself and just like, walking to the 7-11 for a big gulp or whatever, he exudes funk! His whole ethos shouted "That's Right. I'm Lenny Freakin' Kravitz". I have no doubt that after five days of crossing the Sahara on foot without water, the funk in Lenny's walk would be equally as pronounced. And under his breath he'd be muttering "Sahara deseret. Gimme a break. Sahara desert. Sahara? This ain't no Sahara. I'll tell you what it is. This is Lenny Kravit's desert. I'll tell you that right now. you think this is hot? This ain't hot. My one piece silverbell bottom jump suit is hot... Man, you don't know what hot is... do you realize who I am? I am Lenny Freakin' Kravitz, I'll tell you that right now...That's right. Lenny Kravitz..."

*Also, I was equally as excited to see the big red white and blue wall mural pictured on the cover of Elliott Smith's Figure 8 album. That was cool, too.


Britney Spears Statue

Some of you seem to think the Britney Spears statue is actually not pro-life, but rather a mockery. None of you however have offered any evidence or critical analysis to support such a view. I'm willing to listen. But you gotta give me SOMETHING, here people.


Star Sighting Number 2

When Charity and I were out here a few years ago, we saw Bruce Willis on Sunset in Hollywood. Tonight I walked past Rob Schneider in Pasadena. He's short!


don't fear the key-tar

Ben Folds brings power to people, sticks it to man

Ride to laundromat lands cabbie on sold-out stage

Douglas Richard "Rick" Shaw, 53, drives a cab for Lansing's Big Daddy Taxi.
On Monday, he took three men to Sunshine Laundromat & Dry Cleaners at Frandor Shopping Center. As far as Shaw knew, they were just three guys with dirty laundry.
While Shaw waited in the cab for the guys to drop off their stuff, he passed the time as he often does with his Hohner Golden Melody - an instrument that goes anywhere.
It was, in fact, the blues harp's portability that drew Shaw to it in 1971.
"I picked it up on my way to Vietnam," said Shaw, a former member of the U.S. Army. "It was easy to carry."
Shaw was just getting warmed up when the first guy came out of the laundromat and got in the cab. Shaw kept playing.
"Yeah - I like to show off," he admitted.
The guy chipped in with a little hands-on-knees percussion, and when his two buddies climbed back into Shaw's cab, they contributed more tapping and other sound effects. Suddenly, Shaw was backed by a whole rhythm section.

Unusual offer

One of the guys asked Shaw what he was doing later that day.
"I told them I was free," Shaw said.
The guy told Shaw to meet him at the back door of Wharton Center that night and he would put Shaw and his harmonica on stage.
Naturally, Shaw was skeptical to say the least: "I'm like, 'Yeah, right - Wharton. Who put you up to this?' "
Well, the stranger turned out to be Ben Folds, the singer-songwriter-pianist, who was, indeed, performing for a sold-out Wharton crowd that night.
In an e-mail to me, Ben Folds fan Brad Flory of Jackson described Shaw's big moment this way:
"Early in the show, Folds called out a Lansing cab driver named Rick Shaw to play blues harmonica.
"He more or less killed.
"Folds let him play on at least two more songs, gave him a vulgar spoken line during another song and threw his name into lyrics a few times.
"It took guts to go on stage because it was a sold-out crowd of college kids."

Dream night

Back behind the wheel of his cab this week, Shaw, a native of Springfield, Ohio, who spent 30 years in Alaska before coming to Michigan a couple of years ago, called the experience the realization of a "lifelong dream."
Shaw has performed for audiences before - mainly in bars around Juneau - but Wharton was a different kind of gig entirely.
"I had a great time," he said. "The place was packed."
Shaw landed in Lansing after visiting his sister in Clare. While there, he saw an ad for a Lansing blues bar and thought the capital city might be his kind of place.
His early days here were not promising. He did a bit at the Volunteers of America homeless shelter before going to work for Big Daddy.
So far, Shaw hasn't received any work here as a harmonica player, and, in fact, got nothing but glory for his one-night stand at Wharton.
But, as he learned Monday at the laundromat, if he keeps playing, anything can happen.
"From the homeless shelter to Wharton - not bad," Shaw said.

Would you hire a 24 year old to be the head coach of your division 1 NCAA sports program?


Not only do I recommend counting all your eggs this Easter, I also recommend putting them all in one basket.

A. 900 AD
B. 1100 AD
C. 400 BC
D. 130 AD
The above numbers represent the dates of the earliest existing manuscript copies of four specific historical texts.

A. 1200
B. 1400
C. 500
D. less than 100
The above numbers represent the approximate time span in years between the original manuscripts and the copies.

A. 7
B. 49
C. 643
D. 5,600+
The above numbers represent the number of existing manuscripts available for each of the four historical texts.

Answer Key:

A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Homer's Illiad
D. The New Testament


John Piper on Good Friday

Should be titled: How to die like a Christian

Journal of the American Medical Association on the Physical Death of Jesus Christ

A Song For Good Friday

TO BE ALONE WITH YOU- Sufjan Stevens from Seven Swans

I'd swim across Lake Michigan.
I'd sell my shoes.
I'd give my body to be back again
in the rest of room.
To be alone with you.
To be alone with you.
To be alone with you.
To be alone with you.

You gave your body to the lonely.
They took your clothes.
You gave up a wife and a family.
You gave your ghost.
To be alone with me.
To be alone with me.
To be alone with me,
you went up on a tree.
To be alone with me,
you went up on a tree.
I've never known a man who loved me



"Thanks to my homegirl at T-Shirts in NYC" and "Shout out to my brothers over at Emmaus Theory"

This draws together a few threads from the blogosphere, which I hope all y'all can enjoy. It's Sufjan so it's bound to please the indie rock contingent. It's a link from "t-shirts" so it's a word of thanks to my NYC peoples (all two of them- unless you count Rudi and Tim- ok it's just two of them). And it's all for love of country and whatnot so it should please both sides of the political aisle.


Wild Lions to Protect Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Privacy During Pregnancy

Angelina: [exiting bathroom with pregnancy test in hand] Brad Honey, sit down. I have great news!

Brad: [confused, noticing pregnancy test, but not quite able to connect the dots] You got me some Lick-M-Aid Fun Dip?

Angelina: No Sweetie... I'm pregnant! You're going to be a Daddy!

Brad: Awesome. I'll get the lions.

As you can see, this is a completely reasonable course of action to take.
Note to Self... 100 days of pregnancy left. Be sure to get price quote on Ocelots.

Come On Feel the B-Sides

Funky Presbyterian's most beloved artist of 2005 promises release of outtakes from Illinoise, the neo-folk masterpiece hailed by everyone and his brother as the best album of the last year. I am giddy with anticipation.

Support Bibles for Porn Stars

Thanks Dru, for this link.


Phone Calls I Don't Make to Radio Talk Shows

Last night the boys and I had our own official men's night out which consisted of lots of jumping, running, and falling off of the big plastic spaceships and planets in the play area of the Tuttle Mall (as Jack's t-ball game was cancelled due to rain), some time at the book store, and of course the official eating of the ceremonial cookie which has traditionally marked the adjournment of the men's night out festivites. It's all very dignified. Next time we hope to incorporate pyrotechnical elements into the closing ceremonies. And probably dancing bears with little hats and vests on, carrying umbrellas. Or midgets boxing. The committee has not yet reached full agreement.

Anyway, as we were driving home and the boys were nodding off in the back seat, I was listeing to local talk radio wherre they were having a Final Four of annoying celebrities. The concept was some kind of bracket, whereby annoying celebrities and public figures were pitted against one another in order to determine just exactly who holds the distinguished title of most annoying person. The names callers proposed were largely predictable: Michael Jackson, Bill O'Reilly, Anna Nicole Smith, Barbara Streisand, Michael Moore... you get the point.

As I was listening, I couldn't help but think how totally awesome it would be to call up and suggest the names of individuals who are regarded with virtually universal respect and admiration. How hilarious would that be? Of course the trick would be to maintain an aura of complete sincerity:

"Yeah, this is T-Bone from the southside. Long time listener first time caller- Love the show, man. Thanks for taking my call. Alright, here's my Final Four-

Nelson Mandela- Ok. We get it. You were wrongfully imprisoned. Get over it already. And what's with the big baggy crazy print shirts? So when you got out of bed this morning you put on regular pants, but left the pajama shirt on? Nelson, buddy... it's called the Men's Wearhouse. Look into it.
And how about that Stephen Hawking guy- could this guy get any more pretensious? 'Oooh, look at me! I'm so smart. I've made greater contributions to mankind's understanding of the universe than anyone in the world and I did it all without the use of my lower extremities'. He's always doing that robot thing with his voice and he's all like 'I-INVENTED-BLACK-HOLES-AND-TIME-MACHINES-AND-I-CAN'T-EVEN-MOVE-MY-NECK-BUT-YES-I-WOULD-LIKE-FRIES-WITH-THAT-HA-HA-YOU-RETARDS-E=MC2' And what's with the wheel chair? Shouldn't he be able to levitate or something?
Next, I got Ghandi. Dude wait wait wait. It's totally not just cause he's a muslim. Seriously, dude. It's just a fashion thing. Whose this guy's stylist? It's like this, if you're going to roll with the whole "second-century tunic and sandals" vibe that's cool, but then you can't wear the little wire rimmed glasses. It totally breaks character! It's like that guy from cheap trick who wears a suit and tie with a baseball hat. You can't do that. Ghandi, my man. Either lose the glasses or get a coduroy jacket with elbow patches and a turtle neck. And grow a soul patch. You'd look like an english professor or something. Clothes make the man, my friend. Clothes make the man.
Alright and here's my last one: Mother Theresea. 'I help poor people. I give food to people who don't have any. I'm all short and old and whatnot'. I'm kidding! I'm kidding! No, really- I'm all about helping poor people and stuff. She's nice. But Theresea, I've got one word for you:
I mean seriously... yikes.

That's it, dudes. Love the show. Catch you on the flipside. T-bone out!"

But I didn't call and say any of those things.


We Home School...

...but we've never suggested that it is the right choice for others. When considering the deicison to home school, private school or public school your children, there are many variables to consider and each situation is unique and there is no "one-size-fits all" correct answer for everyone. However...

THIS---> http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060403/NEWS01/604030389/1002/OPINION

is ridiculous!


Strung out on St Paul's Epistle to the Romans.

I'm so sleepy I can't sleep. I feel all grumpy and tired and wired simultaneously. Who needs drugs when you can just preach every sunday night and have a giant adrenaline high followed by a crash? Tomorrow AM at 7:30 i've got men's prayer group. I'm just about good for nuthin' on Monday's. I feel like I'm emotionally and spiritually drained and like I have nothing left to give anyone. Like my battery is just empty. I should make little beeping sounds like my cell phone just before it's battery dies. That way everyone would know. By Tuesday I'm usually back up to speed. One thing that still surprises me is the toll Sundays take on me physically. On Monday's I physically hurt from preaching on Sunday nights. I move slower. My joints ache.

I can always tell when I need some time off because Sunday nights feel just like this. I even took two days off last week, but I stayed in town and so it didn't really feel like I was off. I wasn't "working" but my brain was still in "go-mode". I know everybody works a lot. I'm not complaining. Just telling.
