

sideline apparel
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Authentic Denver Broncos football jersey. Like new. Never worn in game. Motivated seller. Name your price. Will consider trade for NFL contract.
Or time machine.


Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.

Where am I going? And what am I doing in this handbasket?

A Happy Surprise For You

Coffee drinkers unite!

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Matt U. sent me this link to an article about the many fabulous health benefits of drinking coffee. This explains why Iggy and Tom look so healthy in the photograph.

Must... resist urge... to buy... useless... crap...

More fruit loops, faster.
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
I realize a double-barrelled, stainless-steel breakfast cereal dispenser is highly unnecessary and is probably some sort of sign of the excess of our age and our culture's increasing preoccupation with all things trivial - heck, it may even be a sign of the apocalypse or something (I'll have to re-read Revelation) - but I cannot deny my inner, visceral reaction to such a device. It is neat. And I want one.

I will pay for good design.

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Amen, and amen.