
Airtight, I say. Airtight.

vince young
Originally uploaded by grb3000.

Airtight Logical Syllogism Prognosticates a Texas Victory

USC barely beat Notre Dame.
Texas barely beat Ohio State.
Ohio State beat ND.
Hence, Texas is going to beat USC.

See? Airtight.

Everything I ever needed to Know about the Gospel I learned from Dog the Bounty Hunter

Originally uploaded by grb3000.
Well, not everything. But this television show is filled with gospel parallels and overt acts of Christian conduct. (As well as more than a bit of "earthiness"... and quite a few stellar mullets as well).

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the gospel is more clearly seen in thie show than it is in 95% of what is aired on religious networks and certainly more than anything ever seen on any of the Tounched by An Angel or 7th Heaven crap.

I hope to get season one on dvd.

"grace & justice join and point to mercy's store"