
Please don't fight the bears.

Baddest Man on the Planet?

Last night Fedor ko'd another former Heavyweight Champion. My favorite thing about Fedor is that he's just this kind of dopey, doughy guy who always looks like he just woke up from a nap. And then he makes grown men cry.


Slumdog Millionaire

This is the easily best film I've seen in three years. You should see it while it's still in theatres.


Interpret my dream...

Just like MLK, I too have a dream.  Well, not just like MLK.  My dreams are senseless and strange and motivate no one.  Here's one from last night. All of a sudden it came back to me in a flash... 

I was eating dinner in a restaurant somewhere in the south (kentucky? tennesee?)  with my good friend, Birt. We were driving somewhere far away and had stopped to eat.  The restaurant was busy and we were sitting by the window.  The booths had red vinyl seats. Outside the window there was a man tuck-pointing the brick work on the building.  We noticed it was our friend Bash. We waved and made faces at each other.  We were laughing.  He was laughing.  But we gave no indications  of surprise at finding Bash tuck-pointing brick work outside of the very window where we sat eating dinner, hundreds of miles away from home on some unknown journey in the south.  

offer your interpretations:  


Reserved Inaugural Optimism

Today I went home during lunch so i could watch the inauguration of President Obama with my family. It was truly a monumental day for our nation, and it's really quite incredible in a couple of ways. First, of course it is evidence that we are a better nation today than we were a hundred years ago with respect to race and unity. Second, it is an amazing thing that we are able to peaceably redistribute power like this on a regular basis. A nation is pretty divided when 54% of the vote is considered a landslide. And yet with a million plus in attendance, power was exchanged with no riots, bullets, bloodshed or uprisings. Considering how unpopular President Bush has been for quite sometime, it should probably be considered historically anomalous that he wasn't ousted earlier by some sort of violent coup or rabid mob on the white house lawn months ago. All in all, we're a remarkable nation when we function according to our principles and ideals. 

Additionally, I am dually perplexed. Tuning in to some conservative blogs, and broadcasts I've been "hormusified" (it's a new term I've coined to express the sensation of being simultaneously horrified and amused, or the sensation one experiences when one's president spontaneously invents new terminology during public discourse) by the criticism that is already being leveled at Obama. I have no problem with the Hannity and Limbaugh types getting critical. It's all part of the delicately balanced dysfunction that makes the two party system somewhat workable. I do find the recent level and nature of the criticism curious given a simple fact: HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET. At least let the guy make a mistake first. geesh. Equally as "hormusifying" to me is the level of adulation and veneration Obama seems to be receiving from the mainstream media and his supporting public generally. The only thing I've ever seen that compares is the response of many in St Louis when the Pope came to town in January of 99. Now I've got no problem with being incredibly enthusiastic about one's president. But heres the thing: HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET. 

How about we settle for some reserved optimism?



Last night after church I watched a documentary. About helvetica. The font. And it was awesome.

