
Wild Lions to Protect Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Privacy During Pregnancy

Angelina: [exiting bathroom with pregnancy test in hand] Brad Honey, sit down. I have great news!

Brad: [confused, noticing pregnancy test, but not quite able to connect the dots] You got me some Lick-M-Aid Fun Dip?

Angelina: No Sweetie... I'm pregnant! You're going to be a Daddy!

Brad: Awesome. I'll get the lions.

As you can see, this is a completely reasonable course of action to take.
Note to Self... 100 days of pregnancy left. Be sure to get price quote on Ocelots.


Dan Trabue said...

Unrelated, but I dig your description in your profile. What ancient texts do you interpret?

Are you an actual Presby? One of my fave books is A River Runs Through It, which describes some beautiful P-folk.

Greg said...

yes, I'm a Presbyterian church planter & pastor. i interpret the Old Testament and the New Testament, mostly.

Some ancient church fathers as well, but translations, as I can't translate Latin, just Hebrew and Greek.

But doesn't "interpreter of anceint texts" sound a lot more adventuresome than "presbyterian pastor"?

Dan Trabue said...

yah, has sortuva Indiana Jones ring to it.

Are you familiar with the River Runs Through It stuff/seen the movie? I've often wondered if the lines from this book show up in Presbyterian sermons frequently...

Check it out:

"My father [presbyterian pastor] was very sure about certain matters pertaining to the universe. To him, all good things–trout as well as eternal salvation–come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy."

"In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing."