
Would you hire a 24 year old to be the head coach of your division 1 NCAA sports program?


p90me said...

If I could not get Bobby "The Brain", then the OSU should definitely consider this guy. I mean, what a storied line of wrestlers he would follow - Ken Petara & Kurt Angle. I just wonder what his schtick will be? A tennis Raquet? A Megaphone? Maybe a crazy coat. Do you think he would bring back a hair cutting or a scaffolding match? I can already see him getting a few "cheap shots" or maybe a choke with the tag rope when the refs back is turned.

Dru Johnson said...

I would. Come on, it's just wrestlin'. What's he gonna' do, mess up their chances of getting into the WWE?

Gettinger said...

I wouldn't hire anybody who said they would abandon their dream to take the job. He's obviously mentally ill.

Greg said...

I know. if he were to medal, he could probably come back to Columbus and coach just about anytime he wanted, unless they land somebody amazing, but even then he's young and could assist unitl the spot opens up again. I mean even if it took a decade, that's still means he's just 34 when he gets the top job. Plus wrestling and coaching are different skills. I think it would be a mistake to hire him now.

I've heard they're talking to Terry Brands.
I think they should hire Steiner, the coach of the women's US team.