
Please note:

This blog is both funky AND presbyterian.

funky-Adj. Slang.
Characterized by originality and modishness; unconventional.

1. A priest in various hierarchical churches.
2. A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church.
3. A ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church.

Please be informed, this blog is operated and maintained by an unconventional teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church. If you find this causes discomfort, please click the link above to be connected to a less offensive website.


Anonymous said...

matt says - There's a big difference between trying to "stay cool" and trying to remain authentic.

If you look closely, I believe you will see a struggle for authenticity, which is a noble struggle in this world.

it seems to me that most people who are original or authentic or funky don't need to label themselves as such

but if you need to


it would seem that following the pop culture underground of what is currently cool

is not that authentic or funky anyway

it is acutally fairly mainstream and no-funky

Greg said...

Anonymous, you seem to have a real problem with me as an individual and none of your critiques seem to be based on anything of substance.

Let's talk specifics.

You said previously that I say "bad things about groups of people".

1. What bad things did I say about what groups of people?

2. You say I'm not original or authentic. Ok. I can live with being unoriginal and derivative. That's not where my value lies as a person. As I said earlier we really don't take ourselves too seriously around here. What's your point?

3. I've previously extended to you my apology for any offense and wished you a sincerely merry Christmas since I'm assuming that's something we can both agree on. Why the continued spitting of venom?



Anonymous said...


You are right and i owe you an apology. we can agree on Christmas; this is hardly the time to bicker.

i just get defensive when people poke at the RC church.

Peace to you and yours

Greg said...


Thanks so much for the apology. And i truly do respect your religous heritage. If you ever feel like stopping by to read again, feel ree. you're always welcome.