
Blog change:

Due to the recent controversy concerning all things Funky and Presbyterian, Funky presbyterian had been changed to a more harmonious purpose. The name of the blog changed as well, to Jesus Loves Kittens. This new blog was devoted to the non-denominatinal celebration of kittens, somthing I thought we all could agree upon.

Unfortunately I was less than thoughtful in my new choice. With characteristically insensitive ham-handedness, I overlooked the small, yet significant portion of our readership which is offended by kittens. In addition, I am aware that there are also those (though less vocal than the anti-feline contingent) who may be offended by mention of Jesus. So as not to continue offense, Jesus Loves Kittens is undergoing another change.

Jesus is being removed from the title of the blog and in his place our readers will find David Hasselhoff, the much less controversial and more clean shaven of the two. In addition, kittens will no longer be the focus of the blog, but rather puppies. As it has been pointed out, one reader of this blog hates puppies. Therefore, the focus of the blog will not be to celebrate puppies, but rather the celebration of David Hasselhoff's love for puppies. While not all of us may not love puppies, certainly we can celebrate the fact that David Hasselhoff has found great joy in their company and companionship.

I thank you for your patience and continued readership.



Greg said...

Point of clarification: When I sign off with "Hasslehoff!" I am not indicating that Hasselhoff is my new name or that I am in fact David Hasselhoff. Rather, I am using Hasselhoff! in it's formal capacity as a salutation. It can also be used as a greeting. Like "Aloha!" But instead, it's "Hasselhoff!"

(In some cultures it operates as a war cry or a cry of passion in the throes of marital bliss. But that last part is only in the ancient germanic cultures where all women were given in marriage to David Hasselhoff).

pilgrim said...

This blog ought to be popular in Germany now--because Germans love David Hasselhoff.

m. said...

i was just catching up on my fp reading...been away from my computer for 2 days...kittens, puppies...hasselhoff??

KDNY was on to something - the end of the world is near!!!!

you guys are a crack!

Anonymous said...

are you promoting sin here, greg?
i hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Greg said...

DF, I'd assume you were joking, but I've taken so much crap lately for so many kinds of things I'm no longer assuming anything. So just in case you're serious...

No. I'm promoting Hasselhoff.
