
Book Cover Reviews

cover of book
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
"Of the making many books, there is no end, and much study wearies the body" (Ecclesiastes 12:12)

Amen. There is an endless stream of books I would like to read and I never seem to get caught up. In fact, as more and more books are relased I am falling farther and farther behind. Originally my desire was to write a few book reviews for my good readers, so that you can become accquainted with the sorts writings I find helpful. Unfortunately it takes a very long time to read a book. It's hard work. The Bible says so.

Instead, I've decided to write reviews of book covers. That's right! Why put in several hours of labor to decipher all those tiny little letters when you can pretty much just look at a book's cover and judge wether or not its any good? So my friends, the funky presbyterian now will provide you with the great community service of reviewing book covers of the books I would like to read if I had the time and energy.

This week we will be reviewing "Simplicity" by a guy named Mark Salomon or something. At first glance, I find the cover intriguing. Who is this person on the cover? Is it the author himself? Perhaps as a child? One can not be certain. The face is obscured. A mystery! Next we notice that the title of the book is printed askew and in style that looks hand etched. This gives the viewer the impression that the ideas contained therein are slightly unconventional and perhaps the relfections of an independant minded author. And then we have the endorsement. Yes! An endorsement on the front of the book! This is unconventional indeed! An informed viewer will notice that the endorsement is penned by the lead singer of Christian heavy metal group POD. This would lead one to believe that the author is perhaps himself either a Christian or a heavy metal dude. Or even both.

Over all, I feel the visual impression made by this cover is a positive one. The composition is engaging and friendly. The colors are well balanced and coherent with the title of the book. However, Salomon does loose a few points for putting the POD guy's endorsement on the cover. I mean first of all, what do heavy metal dudes know about books? And secondly it seems a little like name dropping. A bold and unconventional move, but ultimately it comes off as little desperate. Over all though, a decent cover. I'd say that if I had the time, and actually read this book, I'd probably like it.

Rating: B+


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that this would be Mark Salomon of Stavesacre fame . . .

Greg said...

I've heard of them. Sort of a metallica thing, right?