
Holy Cow! (small town dad raises big city kids)

jack & cow
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Here's a picture of Jack and a cow. I like this picture. It was a fun day at the Great Darke County Fair and Jack had never been that close to a cow before. It was a very big deal. I was raised in a small town in rural Ohio and it always surprises me when Jack says things that remind me I'm raising city kids, now. He was absolutely flabbergasted when Charity and I explained that when we were kids we only went to the shopping mall once every three months or so. He was stunned. Like we had been subject to some kind of strange ritualistic abuse or something. I remember when we were at the Great Darke County Fair he asked where all the African American people were. We thought that was a good question to ask. It's just a different kind of childhood to be raised as a city kid. The kind where cows are a big deal, I guess.

We oughta forge ourselves a new kind of life. You know, greater diversity, fewer malls, more cows. That sounds nice. Come to think of it, that sounds like a pretty accurate description of Heaven. Thy kingdom come. Amen.

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