
Be This Guy.

Be me!
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Ok, boys and girls, in an effort to provide a more interactive blog for my readers, I've decided to begin a new, weekly feature. It's called "Be This Guy". Here's how it works. Each week I will post a new photo of some random person whose photo I find on the web or wherever. Then you guys will write the guy's life story in first person. Who are you? What is your name? your career? Your story? Be creative. Have fun. Here's your chance to contribute. To leave a comment you'll have to register with blogspot. Then the management at funky presbyterian will select a winner of the week. So for our first time around I submit to you the photo of a distinguished, bearded gent. Yay! This will be fun.


Greg said...

My name is Renaldo Rodruiguez. For thirteen years I worked as an attorney in a high profile law firm in Mexico city. After eight years with the firm I made partner, and yet I found myself working more hours than ever, being away from my wife and children for many hours each day, often with out a day off for several weeks on end. Finally my beautiful wife persuaded me to walk away from it all. Now my wife Esperanza, and my children Renaldo Jr, Manuel, and Steve have moved to an island off the coast of the mainland where I rise early every morning and ride my bicycle across the beach, selling bananas from a basket to European tourists. I also made this shirt I am wearing... I made it from a different shirt and sharpie marker... I should have left that part out... I made it from Hemp. Yes, Hemp! And a coconut.

Gettinger said...

I am Henry Balko. If you follow the world of competitive eating, then you already know me. I hold many titles including 4 consecutive world oyster eating championships. I am also the current chair of the International Federation of Competitive Eating. I credit my success to a very active salivary system. Unfortunately, this very condition is also my curse. I have been divorced 3 times. Each time because my wife could no longer stand to watch (or even to hear) me eat another meal. On the eating circuit, my beard has become my trademark. It can be found adorned with bits of hot dogs, meatballs, chili, or even whole crayfish depending upon the season.
When I am not eating, I am busy as an Associate Professor at Penn where I am currently investigating ethyl b-isopropylacetobutyrate and the stereoisomeric diisopropylbutenedicarboxylic acids and studies of branched unsaturated hydrocarbons.