
Drug may help short boys be taller.

God made a world rich with diversity. Some people have dark brown skin. Some people have light brown skin. Some people have kind of pinkish skin. Some boys are tall, some boys are short. Diversity. It's a good thing.

We must make proper distinctions between diversity to be embraced and disorders to be corrected. In general, shortness is a characteristic like having green eyes or curly hair. It is to be appreciated and embraced. It is not a disorder to be corrected. My theology gives me a framework for this. Shortness of stature is not a part of the fall. Disease and injury and deformation are parts of the fall. They stand to be reversed by the advancements of technology and medicine in part in this life and the complete victory of Christ and his Kingdom in full, in the next. I am 5'5" tall. When the kingdom of God comes in it's fullness, I expect I will be 5'5" tall. (and you just might be as well-wink wink).

Why am I concerned about this? Because I am short? Maybe. But my height has never really been that big of an issue for me. In fact I think being short has helped to develop aspects of my personality and character that otherwise may have been undeveloped. I've always had more than my fair share of self confidence. There's never been much I couldn't do and being short never really hurt me in the "lady department" (as evidenced by my totally hot wife). I don't really even think of myself as short. My wife often laughs at me because sometimes I'll meet a guy who is a good three or four inches taller than me and I'll later make some comment about him being really short and she points out that he' s taller than me and I don't believe her. I feel taller than almost everyone I meet, I guess. I definitely feel wider. And that's gotta be worth something, right?

The main reason why I am concerned about "treating" shortness as a deformity, is because I've got two little boys I'm trying to turn into men and they will probably be short and I don't need the culture continually telling them that short is wrong, or weird, or unfortunate. They'll get enough of that from their classmates. Variation in height is a part of God's intended diversity for mankind. The way I see it, we've all got enough disorders to worry about without trying to "fix" stuff that ain't broken to begin with.

So here's to short people. And tall people. And in-between people. And here's to thinking clearly about the world God created and what's broken and what's not and how to fix what is and how leave alone what isn't and about the view of the world we want our children to inherit from us.


p90me said...

Personally, I am convinced that my "Honey Output" would be unprecedented if I was about 3 inches taller.

Greg said...

Can you imagine a very tall person with very short limbs? Now that guy... if we've got a pill for that guy, he should probably take it.

Anonymous said...

I think your boys will do just fine.
I expect one day, if it hasn't happened already, you will explain to your sons that every aspect of their lives has been corrupted by sin and, apart from God, they can't do a thing about it.
If they make it through that, I don't think they will have too much trouble dealing with someone calling them short.