
Got vinyl?

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Ok, my funky readers... Who of you out there has vinyl? Do you listen to it? Where & when? Is the listenting experience that much superior to digital? The aspect of vinyl I most admire is the whole event of listening to it. There's the unfolding of the BIG cardboard sleeve, the gently removing the disc, the gingergly gripping of the disc's edge between flattened hands, fingers straightened and placing on that little post. The dropping of the needle and the thup thup thup thup of the speakers when the record reaches the end of side A. Oh yeah... I almost forgot. Remember when there WAS a side A? Now I scroll and click my way through my entire collection in seconds. (Ok, maybe not my ENTIRE collection- but you get the point).

Who's got it? Is it worth it? Do you like it?

So here's my question: If I decide to begin collecting vinyl and actually purchase a record player, will you guys come over and lay on my living room floor so we can look at the album art together?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a DJ who still buys and plays records, I would have to say that vinyl is the way to go. Mind you, I mostly enjoy it for its mixing qualities with two-turntable action, but since I have the equipment I figure I might as well buy some classic vinyl, any and everywhere I can find it... Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin are my favorite old school spins. 33 1/3!!