
Wheeeee! Protesting is fun.

Cindy Shehan
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.


Univera1 said...

Does anyone else find this women to be an airhead. I am so tired of hearing her speak about her son and how he didn't want to do what was expected of him. He took an outh. so maybe she should put the blame on her son instead of the country and our government. Unjust war or not he signed up for duty. When u join the military u have to expect wars to happen during your service time. I spent six years in the army. the first 15 months in Iraq during the first conflict.

Mommy's boys should stay home with there mothers and leave the fighting to real men.

Anonymous said...

We are fighting a war based on lies. President Bush lied about being saved to lure 17 million conservative christian votes. I do not believe in protesting but to call this woman an airhead is absurd. Her son was killed in a war based on lies. Do not let your conservative christian beliefs fog your brain from the truth!!!

Greg said...

Firstly, there is no possible way for you to know if Bush is truly a believer or not. To suggest his profession of faith to be insincere because you disagree with his foreign policy... not cool.
Second, do you know bluesman41? Because I don't. Do you know for sure that he has conservative christian beliefs? Did he say anything in his comment that is specifically "Christian" or even "conservative" in a theological sense? Could not an agnostic or a Zoarastrian have made the same comment?
I guess I must concede that calling a grieving mother an "airhead" is uncalled for. My question: Does the photo look like that of a grieving mother?