
Jesus must be so proud of us!

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Wow. This is evangelism and apologetics at it's finest. Good work, brothers.


p90me said...

Classic! Just when I want to write off everything Baptist "they go and completely redeem themselves". A question: Is the truth on Tuesday the same as Wednesday?


That link provides some info from the church and others, including a bunch of silly citizens saying even more crazy stuff. I like that each body is "automous", basically doing whatever the hell they want, even on doctrinal and moral issues. I think that captures the essence of the "one holy catholic and apostolic church". This is dead in Pastor Lovelace's ear, b/c, as he says, they have no "creed, but the Bible." Man, I hope, I hope, they are KJV Only, b/c that would just polish it off. I want to see Pastor Lovelace roll into church with a "If it Ain't King James, It Ain't Bible" bumper sticker. I may have to blog on the article, b/c everyone but me, the voice of reason, seems to have lost all sense.

For the cause of meaningful dialectic, not withstanding a few "Flush Rush" & "George Bush is a Nazi" references,


p90me said...

LOL! O.k., everyone should read the above article. If you don't want to spend two minutes of your life on the article, then, hopefully, you will at least finish this entry, because I mined the article for gold and I am handing it to you. I simply quote:

"Lovelace said the sign changes every week.

'About Friday or Saturday we will have a new sign,' he said. 'It should state to some effect 'Where are your treasures? Are they at the flea market or are they in heaven?'"

I have no further questions, Your Honer.