
Who Remembers These 10 Things No Longer Found in Greenville, Ohio?

1. Flag Wars
2. The Mock Rock
3. The really really tall slide at the park
4. Lotsa Dots
5. Ed Cornell's
6. Water in the fountain on the circle
7. Lightning & Banjoman
8. Murphy's (They sold candy and parakeets!)
9. Annie Oakley Days on the Museum grounds
10. Cruising Broadway

1 comment:

Greg said...

No Kidding! When I worked with Dad, there were actually weeks when I would eat at Lotsa Dots 10 or 12 times. That's no lie. I remember I was eating there with mom and dad when someone rushed in and said that you and Chris had been in a car accident on Wagner. Remember the Monte Cristo? That big greasy ham and turkey sandwhich fried up on french toast and covered in rasberry jam and powdered sugar? mmmm.