
There is nothing to fear. Your government loves you.

So, check this out. Hidden away in the deep recesses of the stimulus package passed by the senate is a provision which creates an Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. This office and it's Coordinator, will be established for the purpose of safeguarding your confidential medical records. They will create a "nationwide health information technology infrastructure" to "ensure that each patient's health information is secure and protected". The government just wants to protect us. (It really is for our own good, you know).

Additionally, the Coordinator, the Office and the infrastructure will "help guide medical decisions at the time and place of care". Oh my gosh! That is so NICE of you, government! Thank you so much for helping to guide the medical decisions made at the time and place of my care. Thank you for helping my doctor to decide how to treat me and for helping to keep the costs of my treatment down.

But, some of you may be asking yourselves, "What if my doctor doesn't WANT to follow the helpful medical guidance the Coordinator so generously and helpfully provides at the time and place of my treatment? What if my doctor or hospital doesn't want me to benefit from the all wise and helpful guidance of the government?" Oh, fret not, little one! your government has thought of everything. For those medical care providers who are not "meaningful users" of the helpful guiding system, a series of unspecified penalties will be applied! Oh yes, indeed. And of course the Office will also continually improve the medical care we receive by "requiring more stringent measures of meaningful use" of the system and it's helpful guidance.

Sleep well, America.


Brian said...

Well said; good post. Stay in the fight, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Anonymous said...

In an ideal world people would follow through on "doctors orders" they would finish their meds, do their therapy and most of all they would take their medical record w/ them before visiting a new provider. People don't and thus here are systems like this one. I don't know if dumb or lazy are the right adjectives. I do know that these people groups sleep well at night so rest assured a lot of Americans are sleeping well.