
She thinks the fireworks were just for her.

Leonora Illuminata, 19.5 inches, 6 lbs 11
"Ella" was born Monday morning, July 3rd at 7:20 AM. Everyone is doing well.
We all need sleep. Except Ella. She's sleeping great.


Heather said...

She's beautiful. We love the name!

Anonymous said...

Charity said something about "looks like Greg, but with a bow". Looks about right.

Congrats, y'all. You gonna be in the office at all this week?

David Kear said...

Beautiful young lady with a great name! Congrats.

Dru Johnson said...

I hate the name. What's with you kids these days? Naming babies after stinky cheeses:)?

Congrats! We do need a side-by-side of crazytrain with a bow on head.


Anonymous said...

What a beauty! I can't wait to meet her! Congrats to all.

Greg said...

Thanks to everyone for the kind words and the congratulations.

Dru, you aren't the first one to make the "it looks like greg with a bow on his head" comment. I actually chose this photo because it looks the LEAST like me of all the photos that were taken!

p90me said...


I am absolutely dumbfounded. For those that have not known the FunkyPresbyter for a long-time, he was once a stallwart of the faith. He was always a reliable allie in the war against the globalists, the anti-christ, concentration camps in America, and understood that "Operation Garden Plot" was not some "black helicoptor" crowd conspiracy. And, now, in the blink of an eye, he has joined Adam Weishaupt and a vast global conspiracy.

If it wasn't so sad, then I would congratulate you.

Myopic Zeal said...

KDNY, it's an "a" not an "i" :-)

Greg said...

I don't understand anything KDNY just wrote.

p90me said...


It is simpley an issue of declension with the Funky using the feminine suffix rather than the masculine.


Now that I ratted you out for your globalist ties, how you are in cahoots with the National Council of Churches and the CFR, I like how you have conveniently shutdown the blog, i.e. "Maybe if I ignore kdny it will all just go away." The conspirators have been playing this game for years.

