
One Year Old

Hey people. The Blog turned one a couple of weeks ago and I didn't notice. I've actually been thinking about shutting it down. Even since I got all "productive" with my time, I just don't blog as much. We'll see. Maybe I'll consolidate with others of you and we can do a joint blog posting thing? Maybe not? I dunno.

But in the meantime, here are some ideas for posts I'd like to write if I had the time:

the difference between nirvana, zen and shalom

that Velvet Elvis book review I've been meaning to write

an article called the four resurrections of johnny cash

a contrast of the philosophies of the nature of humanity and history as seen in the 2005 works "I'm wide awake and it's morning" by Bright Eyes and "Illinoise" by Sufjan Stevens. (Bright Eyes' work is mostly Nietzchian with respect to human nature and the cyclical nature of history, while Sufjan's work is more eschatologically oriented, meaning it sees a forward trajectory to history and his view of human nature is Augustinian)

sanctification & pharmeceuticals

Ancient Mesopotamian & Hebrew Creation Accounts: Was Moses a Deconstructionist?

Authoritative Deconstruction: A Legitimate Apologetic for a Post-Whatever World?

Female and Male as the Image of God

Foucault was right about language being a power play and that's ok for the Christian to embrace because afterall, our God is a God who speaks and our Savior is the WORD incarnate.

Submission as liberation

Means of Grace as a way of life

Maybe a church should measure it's effectiveness by how many programs it cuts each year.

Maybe parachurch is not a legitmitate biblical category or maybe it is but is usally done poorly or maybe not poorly by not thoughtfully or maybe churches should just put up the cash and bring all the parachurch guys on staff so they don't have to raise thier own money and then everyone will be better off.

Why triangles are the answer to everything

Why the local church is the hope of the world

John Frame- Revolutionary Thinker, or Master of the Obvious?

Matt Birt: A Profile in Staying Where you're at and doing something about why where you're at sucks

That's all for now.


p90me said...


I think sanctification and pharmeceuticals is a good topic. You can use VOL's "hey we got new ways to treat the soul that succumbs electroshock and valium in the twentieth century you don't need salvation we got chemists dedicated to your recreation."

Also, the psychology of sanctification...why do I have a tendency to clean my room and organize my life when I am confronted with sin? It's a perversion of sanctification, but I think the psychi of it all is fascinating.

Anonymous said...

i shall toss myself out in front of you to stop the deletion of this blog. (please don't)

Anonymous said...

Please. I beg. Do not taketh my FP away.

May I suggest another topic? How about the inescapable life force which, despite our best efforts, causes us to become terrifyingly similar to the people we once vowed we would never be like: OUR PARENTS.

Greg said...

Are you wearing a pith helmet around the house, yet?