
Radical Orthodoxy... Anybody get it?

Can anybody dumb down this RO movement for me?

1 comment:

p90me said...


In my minimal exposure, I am a bit confused. To me, it is the Christian version of academci post-modernism & Marxism. Trying to read their works is like reading Derrida, Foucault, de Man, etc. Only those on the "in" really get it & others act like the get it.

Intellectually, when I get Milbank, I think he is great, but I don't see him saying anything that Van Til said before him. Practically, when I understand RO, I see them preaching the sermon on the mount, ethics against the world's system.

In essence, when I grasp them, I believe they are trying to drive home the antithesis between the cross and the world, including academic circles, i.e. we aren't going to let Athens dictate Jerusalem's beliefs.

However, if Tyler is correct, their sexual antithesis seems to be at a minimum.