
I'm gonna learn to shave like a man.

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Who's with me?


Dru Johnson said...

What? You mean like a former leper returning to the covenant community? Why stop at the face? Real men shave everything!

Anonymous said...

Will this new committment include the head as well? Because I still say that this is the tool for that task.

On another note, I just realized that I'll be at your house in less than an hour, and could've made this comment to your face. Ah well.

Dr. Mike Kear said...

Straight Razor? Been there, done that. Like my Mach 4.



Anonymous said...

Real men don't shave.

Joe and Josie Haack said...

aside from the obivous benefits (1. closer shave 2. better smelling face 3. normal face-skin at age 70 4. old-school mystique)
it has to be more economical, Mach 3's will be in competition with my winter gas bills this year. So the though of a razor that my grandkids could use is appealing. I'm in, its on my Christmas list.