
I pose a dilemma for your consideration

Suppose you suddenly acquired a very large sum of money (as in a lottery) and were required to spend it ALL on one of the following items. Which would you choose? Each item would be a real, actual working model.

1. A Rocket Pack
2. A Light Saber
3. A Teleportation Device
4. An Invisible Jet
5. A Green Lantern Ring
6. A Little Green Martian Friend Like Fred Flintstone Had In the Later Episodes of the Flintstones.

Please, respond with care. This is a very important question.


Charity said...

Question: Would the Invisible Jet cover me with invisible power as well, or would I look like Wonder Woman sitting in the air with my legs straight out in front of me?

Greg said...

Only the Jet is invisible. You, and the contents of the glove compartment will be completely visible.

Caddius said...

2. A Light Saber, Hands down.

Gettinger said...

Could you see the bugs splatted on the windshield of the invisible jet because they never showed that on the cartoons?
And if I chose the Green Lantern Ring, would everything it made have to be green? Like if I wanted tea, would it have to be green tea or could it be oolong tea?

Greg said...

For oolong tea, one would need to use the Oolong Lantern Ring. Completely different ring.

Greg said...

1.You get into it. Like Star Trek.
2.The Jet Pack is designed for one person. Simultaneous use by more than one person is not intended by the manufacturer and could void the warranty.
3. The martian is not actually Kazoo, but is analagous to Kazoo. For your benefit, you should assume a similar frequency of mischief to occur under normal conditions.

Charity said...

I'm gonna have to go with the Teleportation Device. The only thing that concerns me is, when I am beamed to a new location my arm might be coming out of my head, or any other body parts in places they're not supposed to be.

Gettinger said...

In Star Trek,if I recall correctly, the transporters were able to beam them to anywhere or from anywhere, as long as someone was at the controls of the transporter.
If the people on the Enterprise were so brilliant, why didn't they ever figure out that they never really had to walk to the transporter room in the first place?
Just have Scotty beam you to the transporter room!

pilgrim said...

The ring--as long as it came with the battery to recharge it--then I could tlelport with it, I dcould use it as a light sabre etc.
As long as I'm not fighting yellow--but then there are ways around that.