
Anheuser Busch donates water to victims, Baptists refuse to distribute it.

This is ridiculous. Then again, maybe they did the right thing. Can you imagine what a bummer it would be to snap open an icy cold can of the suds only to find it filled with mere water? I mean come on, first a hurricane destroys your town, and now THIS?!

Click the title to read the article.


p90me said...

This is the essence of Pharisaism. I'm not convinced that first century Judaism was the legalistic religion the medieval Roman Catholicism was, but I am convinced that they nullified the law of God by their traditions. Everyone has traditions, so I'm not naive, but not everyones' nullifies the law of God. The baptists tradition does!

"Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?"

"Are those sinners down in Florida and Louisiana any worse than you Baptists? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will likewise perish."

To think, they think they are obeying God, but they are nullifying his commandments. Talk about God sending a delusion.

Anonymous said...

Most beers from A-B ARE "mere water", Greg. Duh!

Greg said...


You are completely right! Sorry I missed that obvious point.
