
I am awake way way too late.

I have a coffee & bagels men's group meeting tomorrow morning pretty early. I hope someone shows up, cause I'm stinkin; tired and can't sleep. Ever have one of those nights when you know you have to up early in the morning and you just keep laying there looking at the clock like every ten minutes and one time when you roll over you see it's like super late- like four AM late and you start like doing the math in your head like "ok... if I go to sleep right now i can still get two and half hours of sleep... plus hit snooze twice, maybe I can skip the shower, that'll give me three hours... three hours. that's not too bad" but then like an hour and a h alf later you are still awake? Do you know what I mean? And then you start getting really mad at your wife for laying there all asleep, with her eyes cosed and what not like she's just rubbing it in that she can get some rest while you toss and turn. And then she has the nerve to pretend like she's not sleeping well on purpose, just to make some kind of point. Know what I mean? Alrighty people, I gotta get some rest or the boys may not have any bagels in the AM.


SLEEP, %^#@$&!



1 comment:

p90me said...

That's almost every day of my life...minus the wife part.