
What kind of bizarro world is this?

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.


Greg said...

Yeah. I'm loving it. When we moved from St Louis (where the rams had been to a couple of Super Bowls in a few yearsw time) to Ohio, I told Charity that I was determined to become a Bengals fan once again. And I was prepared to see them continue to stink up the league with awful play, bad coaching and embarassingly poor decision making in the front office. They would be my very own bad news bears- those lovable, laughable, losers we can't help but cheer on to defeat each week. And now look what's happening! Carson is the man. Chad out TO's TO. And Rudi is making us all ask "Cory who?"

Good for them.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the bungles - the only professional sports team from Kentucky.

Greg said...

Wow. Did you think of that joke all by your self? Because it's really funny. Too bad no one will read it because your commenting on posts that are like three months old.