
Three things that disturb me:

3. When you're talking to someone and they proceed through the conversation by asking themselves a series of qestions and supplying their own answers. For instance: "Does it annoy me when people ask themselves questions? Yes. Do I think it makes them bad people? No. Do I wish they wouldn't do it? Yes. After reading this post will you now have a heightened sensitivity to this phenomena? Probably."

2. When you're listening to NPR or some expert of something or other on tv and they keep using synonyms and saying "if you will" at the end. For instance, "When people speak that way I find it disturbing... or annoying, if you will". See what I mean?

1. Gilmore Girls. The dialogue on this show makes me want to puke. I literally cannot watch it. I actually have to leave the room. I'm not even sure what it is. I will give you no examples.


daniel fox said...

Do i fancy the gilmore girls, or "love" them, if you will? Yes.

Do i let their witty banter wash over me every night while the season 2 dvd put's me to sleep, or "bed" if you will, or "couch" if you will? yes!

this has been daniel fox, gilmore girls special corespondant for fox296.blogspot.com. have a great evening inkernet.

Charity said...

Daniel, I guess it's been a while since I've seen you. You've really changed.

Gettinger said...

One of the things that disturbs me is when people misuse the word 'literally'. (When you say you literally cannot watch Gilmore Girls, I am certain you are using it correctly.)
I'm sure you've probably heard something like "That movie was awesome! I was literally glued to my seat!"

Greg said...

Oh yeah! I should have thought of that one! Weather men always say stuff like "It's literally raining cats and dogs out there!" No. You mean it's figuratively raining cats and dogs. That's a big pet peeve of mine, too.