
Online Dating for Calvinists and No I'm Not Joking

I just don't even know what to say about an online dating website with a portrait of John Calvin on the homepage. Other than SCM & KDNY, your prayers have been answered.


p90me said...
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Greg said...

Doh! KDNY deleted his post! It was funny, you shoulda read it.

Greg said...
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p90me said...

I don't even know what to say. I'm utterly speechless.

I love that Calvinist do the same things that they do on the herpes outbreak preventer commercial. We go canoeing, water rafting, and everything else just like the couples with herpes.

Man, why did they have to say this, ""As Calvinists we worship, it seems, a different God, or at least, we have a much different God-concept. Have you ever become frustrated because it is hard to find someone Theologically/Philosophically like minded?" I was just starting to think that an Arminian might be saved, and now there is some Eve with all of her beguiling ways to convince me otherwise.

I may have to give it a shot. I bet I can guarentee that these "Sovereign Grace Singles" aren't homely in the least. No, I doubt they all wear ankle length dresses that they made in their home school home ec class.

I'm 29 and I just become more confused by the minute. But, as FP says, it is an answer to prayer.

p90me said...
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p90me said...


I am the guilty party. The first one was a "renig". Yes, I wanted to get the damn thing right. The other delete was a frivilous post saying basically what I am saying now, so maybe I should've left it up.
