
The Wrath of God

Preaching tonight on the wrath of God (Romans 1:18-32). Not cause I wanna, but cause the text dictates. That's the value in preaching through a text. It makes you confront topics you'd rather not. Lot's has been written about the difficultY in reconciling "God is Love" with a God who is also wrathful. Interestingly, the very passage of scripture which teaches "God is love" (1John 4:8-10) also teaches that Christ was a propitiation for us. Propitiation is the appeasement of God's wrath against sin. So at the cross the love of God and the wrath of God meet. A fearful thing.


Greg said...

Hey Bernie, are you being sarcastic or serious? In all honesty I cannot tell. I need some context, here. Help me out.

Greg said...

Also Bernie, I'd appreciate your input on the "If you comment, He will blog" post.