
What's Rockin' the Reverend?

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
This week it's the entire Ryan Adams catalog. Heartbreaker, Demolition, Gold, Rock n Roll, Love is Hell Volumes 1 and 2, and soon there will be a new album out entitled Cold Roses. I know lot's of people don't like this guy. He's arrogant and self destructive. He's a loud mouth. I know all of this. But I also know he can write the heck out of a song. If you are thinking about checking him out, it is generally agreed upon that his best album is heartbreaker, though I actually think gold is far superior. (Rock and Roll is the least necessary album). Hurry up and listen to him now so when he self-destructs you can say you were a fan BEFORE he went "Kurt Cobain" on us.

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