
Family Day Concludes With Construction of Couch Cushion Fort!

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Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Thursdays are my day off. I usually try to spend lots of time with the family on Thursdays. Today was a good day full of family fun. We went to lunch at Taco Bell (Jack's choice) and then drove up to Clintonville where we stopped at Cover to Cover (a children's book store) and looked for a copy of Aesop's Fables. No luck. We bought Sam a floppy stuffed Grover doll, upon which he promptly vomitted (squash). Elmo gets all the press these days, but everybody knows Grover is way cooler. Then we drove up to Old Worthington and walked around. Grabbed some ice cream at Grater's and then returned home. Charity put Sam down for another nap (no dice) while Jack and I walked to a park known in our family as "Hello Papa Park" (it's a long story). We returned home and after dinner, the boys and I constructed a fort from couch cushions and dining room chairs. We sat in it and watched the Justice League battle the evil outerspace alien invaders. The good guys won. Again. So, now the boys are in bed and I'm turing my attention to some work I must get done before tomorrow.

I'd really like to write more tonight. The way I see it, the Christian life is a lot like building a couch cushion fort in the living room. But alas, I have no time. Maybe next week.


daniel fox said...

MAN! i miss cushon forts!!!
now that i'm all grown up, give me a plot of land, some industrial sized foam and maybe a tarp and some PVC and duct tape (this list is getting too long) and just SEE what i do.

(i'd build a fort, probably, in case you're interested)

Cindy said...

What a perfectly wonderful day! Your boys are very handsome!