

spaten optimator
Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Right now, this very moment, I am imbibing my favorite adult beverage. It is called Spaten Optimater, a dark german beer from a brewery that has been at it since 1397. 1397! That's before the protestant reformation, or the invention of the printing press. That's a very long time to have been brewing beer. Must be why it's so yummy. I highly recommend. There is a place in St Louis where you can actually get it on tap. It's called the Schneidhorst Inn. I think its a Jewish place. joke people, it's a joke.

My wife bought it for me. Thanks, darlin'.


Gettinger said...

If I drink Spaten Optimater, will flowers and mini-skulls sprout forth from my mouth?

Greg said...

No. But I promise they will if you preach.