
Be this guy: Week 2

Originally uploaded by Greg Blosser.
Ok, so thanks to those of you who participated in our "be this guy" event last week. The management has declared the winner to be birty. Good job birty. It was a tough call, but in the end it was the olives that pushed him over the top. Here's your photo for week 2. Here's the rules: In first person, leave a post explaining who this guy is. Go ahead... be this guy. Good luck.


Greg said...

My name is Ed Barnhouse. I wrote a book about the art and science of mustache cultivation. It is leather bound. The book, not the mustache. I am fundamentally opposed to the concept of belts, so I secure my britches with suspenders. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At Bowser's Pub where I like to hang out with my buddies and watch the national horse shoe championships on ESPN2, I once ko'd an olympic boxing silver medalist with one punch. He was all dancing around and jukin' and jabbin' and whatnot. Suppose that silver medal made him feel special. I just popped him one right in the kisser. Almost made me spill my Pabst Blue Ribbon. Almost.

Gettinger said...

My name is Jay Newsome. This is a photo of me from my recent book tour. I traveled acrosss the south signing copies of my new book Basic Butchering of Livestock and Game. It really has everything you need to know about how to kill, skin, slaughter and butcher anything from a bunny to a yak. I think when this photo was taken, I was sharing an excerpt from the last chapter of my book "How to Get the Gut Smell Out of Your Carpet and Clothes." I have really loved getting out to meet people the people across the country who share my love of animals. I have recently started work on my next book, The DIY Guide to Bariatric Surgery.

Charity said...

My name's Dale Earl Lang. You can just call me Brother Dale. I'd like to invite you to a Revival our church is having this Saturday. Boy, is it gonna be good. Brother Bob is bring the snakes and Sister Edna's bringing the poison. Of course you gotta bring your own tambourine, there's just not enough to go around. We're prayin' the feeling will come back to buddy's left foot soon, well, after that rattler got him, he's thankful the Good Lord let him live. Must have not been his time. We'll be having our potluck after the revival, so be prepared for some good eat'n. BillyJo will be sure to make her famous "mystery meat bar-b-q!", So come on down, folks. If the crik rises, we'll postpone til next week.