
Back Home in Ohio

Well, my study leave is now over and I'm back in Columbus. My time away was refreshing, but it's good to be back. I didn't get quite as much read as I wanted to, but I did make good progress. I read 1900 pages from seven different books (not counting the Bible). The books really covered a range of topics and themes. I intend to give a brief synopsis of each book read on the blog very soon. Maybe you'll find it helpful. Some of the ideas I discovered will be working their way into grace central's ministry in the future. Another very helpful aspect of my trip was in attending a new PCA church in Newport, CA. It was planted about four years ago and is quite similar in many ways to what grace central is doing in Columbus. I learned a lot from just observing and talking to the leadership at that church. Anyway, I'm excited to get back at it here in Columbus and see how God is going to work among us this year.

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