Alright, here's my dilemma:
I am cynical when it comes to politics and politicians. And as we all know, there is nothing more hip, more cool, more (dare I say it?) "funky" than cynicism. Heck, without cynicism one can scarcely maintain one's indie cred. So far so good...
But alas! As the title of the blog indicates, I am a Presbyterian. Which is a roundabout way of signifying that I am (among other descriptors) a Christian. And as it turns out, cynicism is completely and utterly incompatible with Christianity. Jesus was no cynic. And so I probably shouldn't be either.
You see the problem, yes?
So in an effort to combat said cynicism I have endeavored to post about the two major presidential tickets in a completely sincere and non-cynical manner. I am determined to write only positive and honest reflections about each candidate. (for those of you trying to read between the lines, I did presidential candidates first, vp's second and alphabetically by last name respectively).
As a pastor it is very important to me to keep my ballot secret, or at the very least to purposefully refrain from offering any hints as to my preference of candidates in any public manner. The reason is because a Christian pastor is to call people to Jesus, not to any human being or political party. Of course there are political issues which are important to me! And many of those issues are based on what I believe to be Christian principles derived from the life of Jesus and the Scriptures. And of course there is a time and a place for a pastor to address social (even political) issues when the Bible speaks to them. But my blog is not the time or the place. Frankly, I care much more that you resist the allure of cynicism than I care who you vote for this November. Our next president will be gone in four years. Eight, max. Cynicism is much more difficult to depose. So vote often.